Ride Up


Sleep levels: LOW
Excitement levels: HIGH
Video camera: CHECK
Battery: CHARGED
Internet: WORKING
Video editing software: ON MY MAC
Hilarity: FOR ALL


Le monoski est arrivé!

18:45: phone-call from Michel at Caribou Sport.  The monoski has arrived and he’s fitted the bindings.  ”Bring a ski-boot, come pick it up.”

19:00: I am the proud owner of a Duret Free 180 monoski!

Tonight: a lack of sleep as I struggle to contain my excitement at the shiny new hardware.

Tomorrow: the madness begins!

Photos to follow…

Uncharted Territory

After a while of skiing the slopes my mind starts to wander off, and gradually my body starts to be drawn similarly off-piste.  Today was no exception: after several hours of practising parallel turns with knees and ankles touching — in preparation for monoskiing — I decided to venture into less prepared areas.


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