J'ai commandé le monoski

One Duret Free 180 monoski: ordered!

It should arrive at Caribou Sport who will fit the Dynastar NX12 bindings and give me a call on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

Marek Isalski versus Snowboarders

A surfer crashed into me today, and my seven year old ski pole came off the worst. A bit of unforeseen expenditure, but I now have green UV lip balm to go with my new poles!

Panorama at Les Granges
Warning: full-size image is 126 megapixels!

The First

Je commande un monoski…
Duret Monoski Free 180

View of Morzine from Le Lièvre

Piste B, Pleney, in the Fog

Taken in one of the patches where visibility was good.


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